K e n  H o c h f e l d
F i n e  A r t  P h o t o g r a p h y
  The Gorge Beckons: Change & Continuity
Friderike Heuer
Ken Hochfeld

 All Rights Reserved
Ken Hochfeld ©2023

"The Historic Columbia River Highway at Rowena Crest"   2022
Conceived, designed, engineered, and built by Samuel Hill, Samuel C. Lancaster and John A. Eliot between 1913 and 1922, the graceful highway's sole purpose was to provide scenic views for automobile drivers.

"The Granary"   2023
"Klickitat Bluff"   2023
"The Overlook"   2023
"Indian Paintbrush"   2023
"Union Pacific Railroad at Cigar Rock and Pillars of Hercules,
Columbia River Gorge, Oregon"   2023
The tall basalt pillar and its larger sister, now hidden in the trees, are referred to as the Needles, Pillars of Hercules, Needle Rocks, and Speelyei's Children (the Native American coyote god). In an early photograph by Carleton Watkins (1884-1885) the tracks run between the two pillars, south of this large pillar. The tracks were moved north around 1913. The pillar in the foreground is Cigar Rock.

"Columbia River Basalt"   (Crossview Stereo)   2023   

"The Columbia River From Above Lyle, Washington Looking at Meyer State Park, Oregon"   (Crossview Stereo)   2023